For Admission
Thais Compoint is a Corporate Social Responsibility and Diversity Consultant with over 15 years of a solid international experience across industries.
She received the 2015 Diversity Leader Award by the prestigious American “Profiles in Diversity” Journal, as one of the diversity officers who advanced Diversity & Inclusion in the corporate world.
She led successfully the Diversity & Inclusion strategies at Vinci, Coca-Cola Entreprises and Cisco. Prior to that, she worked as a Senior Socially Responsible Investment Analyst and as a Senior Corporate Social Responsibility Auditor for Vigeo, Europe’s Leading social and environmental rating agency.
Thais was born and raised in Brazil, lived half of her life in France, and is currently based in the UK, after having lived in Spain, Italy and the US. She speaks fluently 5 languages and has an education background in Law, International Relations and Human Rights. She is married, has three adorable teenagers and loves practicing meditation and yoga.