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Nani Moré transformed the world of children’s diet with a pioneer project in Spain taking place at “Guarderia El Rial” (El Rial Pre-school). The project created a culinary concept that is economically competitive and socially responsible, boosting the local economy and increasing the consumption of fresh seasonal food among children.
The project l’Acte alimentari (The Alimentary Act) was awarded with the Frist Prize at the II Premi Escola, Agricultura i Alimentació Ecològica (Award given by the Government of Catalonia)
Director and scriptwriter of the documentary “El Plat o la vida” (Your plate or your life) on 2012 with the motto “the difference between filling up bellies and feeding people”.
Founder of the Catalan Association of organic dinners of Catalonia. Nani works with all the agents in the food chain (producers, managers, cooks, etc.) with the goal to achieve the necessary changes to transform the alimentary model promoting a healthy, sustainable and fair model.
Nani belongs to CHEF2020 a group of cooks networking across Spain with the MENÚ2020. Their goal is to Change the menu to Transform the model.