For Admission
Fintan Keenan is a native of Ireland but now lives in Denmark where he works as an organic grain farmer and flour miller on Mørdrupgård (Kornby Mølle).
Together with Per Grupe they specialise in growing heritage varieties of grain specifically for organic flour production. On average they grow over 150 varieties yearly in test plots for research and development purposes. The test plots can range in size from 1m2 to one hectare.
Fintan is currently working on reviving heritage varieties of wheat that were once grown in Ireland. Together with his brother, who’s based in Ireland, they have identified, sourced and sown 17 heritage wheat varieties that were last seen in Ireland in the 1930’s, the results of which will be seen at the harvest in 2018.
Additionally, Fintan designs and builds tailor-made flour milling plants for the production of quality, wholesome, artisanal flour. This includes manufacturing stone mills that are specifically suited to the grain types from the local region where the flourmill will be based.