For Admission
After graduating in mechanical engineering, he earned a PhD in energetics, from the University of Rome « La Sapienza, » focusing on the analysis of the environmental impact of energy systems.
She is currently the head of innovative project development at AzzeroCO2 (an Energy service company) and the responsible for technical activities for the Kyoto Club ngo.
Together with the famous Italian actor and director Alessandro Gassmann she conceived the #GreenHeroes project, to promote and enhance virtuous experiences related to circular economy and sustainability.
Since 2014 she has been dedicated to climate justice activism and ecofeminism.
Between 2021 and 2023 she collaborated with several television program as scientific popularizer, in particular with GEO, on Public television “Rai 3” (UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).
Active in science education and popularization, she wrote “Le ragazze salveranno il mondo” (« Girls will save the world » 04/2020 ed. People), “Nessi e connessi” (« Nexus and connected » 04/2023 ed. Il Saggiatore, with Rossella Muroni), “pensiamo verde” (« Let’s think green » 09/2023, ed. Il Battello a Vapore, Piemme, for young readers).
Since April 2023 he has been member of the board of the Democratic Party with Elly Schlein, with delegations to Ecological Conversion, Climate, Agenda2023, green economy.